The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes stars the British Arthur Wontner, today a forgotten interpreter of Holmes who would soon be overshadowed by the glossy American productions starring the illustrious Basil Rathbone, for some people the greatest Holmes ever.
Plot: Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Wontner) and Dr. Watson (Ian Fleming) come out of retirement to investigate a mysterious murder. They find that a group of coalminers, called The Scowlers, are caught up in the mystery, along with the treacherous Professor Moriarty (Lyn Harding). Holmes must outsmart Moriarity and an American gangster in order to find the murderers and save The Scowlers.
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May 29, 2012 Subject:
Scherlockholmes flick
Above reviewers are most precise on comments.
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May 28, 2012 Subject:
The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes
Overall I enjoyed it, several minor mistakes, a couple of major ones (the one calling Holme's automatic a revolver the most jarring), thought Dr.Watson should have been more aggressive like in the books. Also enjoyed Ernest Lynds, he reminded me of a strange great-uncle. Never trusted him either. All in all, not the best, but by far not the worst.
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April 24, 2009 Subject:
The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes
This is a film version of the novel THE VALLEY OF FEAR by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the group is called "The Scowrers" not "The Scowlers". Other than that Wontner is in fine form as Holmes, the audio quality is fine if you have decent speakers and the movie gets three stars. (Incidentally, for Holmes aficianados, Rathbone takes a back seat to both Carleton Hobbes on the radio and Jeremy Brett on British television...Peter Cushing also SHONE in the role the few times he played it.
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July 3, 2008 Subject:
I agree
I agree with the previous review. The audio quality is quite poor. I hope some generous soul will contribute a higher quality copy of this and many other pre-Rathbone episodes. Additional contributions of those Holmes films featuring Basil Rathbone would be greatly appreciated as well. Regards.
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March 15, 2008 Subject:
The DivX file contains a poor quality encoding of a poor quality source. The audio in the first twenty minutes or so is often unintelligible. I couldn't finish watching the movie. I do hope a better copy is posted, as I like these old Sherlock Holmes movies.